New year resolution this, new year resolution that. For the past week, everywhere I go it’s been the sole topic of every evening. All of this got me to thinking, every year I hear the same resolutions from the same people over and over, even I make the same resolutions year after year with barely any results. So I have decided it is time for New New Year Resolutions, here are a few of mine:
- Blog more often, I really have sooo much to talk about, really.
- Shop less, not sure if this is even a realistic resolution.
- Connect with old friends, since I quit my job I have enough time to drive all ya old friends crazy ; )
- Travel somewhere exotic, personally I am in love with Europe so this year I would like to go somewhere different like India, Morocco, Singapore, or all of them.
- Taste different dishes from different cuisines from around the world. It isn’t up for debate – it’s a proven, medical, scientific fact: I love food! What’s that exotic dish you speak of? Bring it on!
- Be more organized. I know what you are thinking, oh god not this one again, but seriously, I mean common, there’s a pile of clothes sleeping on my bed instead of me right now!
- I resolve to go to the gym, once, this year (that’s one time more than the previous year.)
- Would wearing shades of pink more often this year count as a resolution?
Cheers to a new year, a blank slate and a fresh start! What are your new resolutions for this year?
Shop the post:
Chicwish Candy Pink Floral Jacquard Dress
Saint Laurent Monogramme Crossbody Bag in Fuchsia
Forever21 Leopard Faux Fur Coat
Opaque Black Tights
[…] that ONLY 8% of people achieve their New Year’s goals. WOAH, that can’t be good! But I made a whole list… I even blogged about it and shared it in public so there’s just no going back! […]